Friday, January 23, 2009

Back to the Cold

Yes today was much colder than yesterday. I believe the temp was about 20 degrees. Cold compared to yesterday.

I created some Valentine cards... Same layout...just different design... Hope you like them.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Warm January Day

Today was 52 degrees. It was beautiful. It made me think of the day I went to the Zoo with my in-laws and Aunt/Uncle in law and the grandchildren.

I knew as soon as I left work, I wanted to come home and scrapbook those pictures.

Aly and Celeste were great models that day, everyone was in an excellent mood. It was great scrapping those pictures, I remembered it like it was yesterday and not last October.

I am glad I got this done...since tomorrow it is suppose to be cold again. Maybe even SNOW this weekend.